Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Second Grade Field Trip

The Second Grade had a great field trip today. They walked to the West Point City Building to meet Mayor Petroff. The Mayor taught the kids a little bit about his job and about the jobs in the community. He called kids up to sit on the City Council bench and put different hats or clothes on them that represented different community services. He told the kids about the fire department, the police department, the crossing guards, the public works department and the parks and recreation department. The kids seemed to enjoy it and some of them had some good questions. At the end of the presentation Mayor Petroff asked the kids who owns our city. A lot of the kids thought it was the Mayor or the President. He taught them that the community belongs to all of us becasue we are a government of the people and for the people. When I asked my daughter what she learned at the field trip she said that she learned that we all own the community.


Blogger Kathy said...

What a great field trip. Sounds like your Mayor did a wonderful job with the kids.

9:03 AM  

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