Sunday, December 30, 2007

We Were Counted!

When the kids woke up on Christmas Eve morning they were all glad to find that they had a black sooty fingerprint on their noses! On December 23rd Santa's elves go from house to house counting who has been naughty or nice. When they come down the chimneys they get all dirty and when they count each child they touch them on the nose. So, it's a sure sign they've been counted as good kids if they have that black finger print on the nose! My oldest daughter could not sleep. She got out of bed and said mom those elves aren't going to come unless you and Dad go to bed. Will you please get in bed so they don't miss us? Every year we take pictures of the black noses. More Christmas pictures to come...


Blogger Nanette said...

How wonderful to be counted! :)

4:32 PM  

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