Sunday, December 30, 2007

Big Girl Bed

Our baby girl got a big girl bed! And she is loving it. We are still working on getting her to stay in for naps and bedtime but she is learning quickly.
I went on a quest for a cute bedspread but didn't find any that was decent quality. I went to 8 stores.

So, I've ordered one from Penny's and I cant wait for it to come. So, for now we bought these pretty pink sheets. They are the T-shirt sheets and they are so soft. She keeps saying, "I go nap in my pink."

Hooray for Christmas!!!!

YEA!!!! My son has fabulous reactions to gifts.
My little brother and his girlfriend came from California to visit! This race track was a favorite gift for my son. He loves it.
Hubby talks with his Grandma.
My Sister-in-law and her family!
My Brother and Me
My daughter got every crafty thing under the sun for Christmas. We've been busy.
Christmas Cousins
I love her cheesy grin.
Christmas Morning

We Were Counted!

When the kids woke up on Christmas Eve morning they were all glad to find that they had a black sooty fingerprint on their noses! On December 23rd Santa's elves go from house to house counting who has been naughty or nice. When they come down the chimneys they get all dirty and when they count each child they touch them on the nose. So, it's a sure sign they've been counted as good kids if they have that black finger print on the nose! My oldest daughter could not sleep. She got out of bed and said mom those elves aren't going to come unless you and Dad go to bed. Will you please get in bed so they don't miss us? Every year we take pictures of the black noses. More Christmas pictures to come...