Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

This year was my first time to host Thanksgiving at my house. My mom helped me a ton and I'm so thankful for her because I don't know if I could have done it without her. I really think you need a team to pull off such a big meal. We had 17 people- 8 kids and 9 adults. At the end of the evening it occurred to me that I hadn't taken a single picture. So I cleared off the table and took a picture of the centerpieces that I made. I made the pretty flower arrangements. The turkeys are saved from years ago. They still gobble. They aren't really classy but they are cute and the kids like them a lot. My daughter made the place cards. Click on the picture to enlarge it to get a better look at the place cards. We played catch phrase after dinner and the kids all went to the backyard and played soccer, zim-zam and bubbles.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Award Winning Poetry

My daughter won first place in the literature category of the Reflections Contest at the school level.
She wrote a great poem about fall. Isn't that wonderful?! Here comes the not so wonderful part. We didn't go to the awards night. When I found out that students didn't find out if they won or not until they went to the awards night I decided not to take her. I didn't want to sit there for two hours and possibly take her home empty handed and broken hearted. So, I just didn't say anything about the banquet. She forgot about it and we didn't go. The next day I went to the school and saw her poem, ribbon and trophy on display with the other winning entries in the glass case near the office. I felt like a heal for not taking her. I should have taken her. I wish they could have just invited the people who were getting awards and not make them come to find out. She was still way excited to win her first trophy. And she didn't seem to mind that she missed the banquet. So I guess it's okay.