Wednesday, March 28, 2007

March 28th Girly Girl

This little cutie is our girly girl. She loves dress ups! She loves to get into big sister's dress up box and put on lots of necklaces and hats. Her very first object word is "shoes". She's always finding some shoes to try on. Big sister got her all dolled up and then the girly girl went and found some glasses to wear. And she just wouldn't be her if she wasn't wearing only one sock.
One of her many nick names is "The one sock wonder."

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

March 19th Cute Kid

This is my friend's 6 year old. I liked how the picture turned out. He has a cute smile.

March 19th Zoo Animals

We went to the zoo yesterday and the first thing we saw was this beautiful peacock! I don't think I ever seen one all fanned out before. He stayed fanned out for about 5 minutes with a lot of on lookers admiring his plumage! Can you see the female peacock in the background? I'm thinking it's mating season and he was trying to get HER attention.

We also enjoyed watching the elephants. This one was pulling his hay down. It was a great day!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

March 17th Dirt and Cupcakes Make A Great Party

My daughter loves to play in the dirt. When we go to the park she always spends most of her time playing in the dirt!

Look at my nephew. He is so adorable. I chose this picture because I loved the expression on his face. He's really serious about that cupcake!

March 17th First Birthday Party at the Park

Here are a few pics of my cousins little guy at his 1st birthday party. What a sweetie. Check out those lashes!

March 18th Sweet Newborn

Here are some sweet pictures of my friend's newborn. Isn't she adorable!